Category Archives for Baseball Analytics

I Goofed with OOTP and Found Something Interesting

Computer Baseball Predictions

For July 18, I ran the simulator and found results that didn’t seem quite right. Upon investigating I realized that I goofed with OOTP and found something interesting. It turns out this goof had better results that the regular run parameters that I have been using. One observation doesn’t make a trend, of course. But, […]

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Why I Postponed Daily OOTP Sims


If you have been following this baseball analytics segment of my website, you know that I had purchased the Out of the Park Baseball (OOTP) simulator for the 2019 season. The simulator allows users to manage a team (or teams) and play out full seasons. These teams can come from Major League Baseball or several […]

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Summary of OOTP Predictions to April 19

Baseball Diamond

This post is a summary of the OOTP Prediction to April 19. I decided not to include the first few games in March as much of the stats for those predictions were based on the previous season. By April, this gave the teams enough time to find their grove (or not). But, it starts being […]

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OOTP Predictions for April 10 2019

Batter Silouette

The OOTP Predictions for April 10 2019 are ready and shown below. The results for the OOTP Predictions for April 9 2019 did better than the previous results. But, it wasn’t stellar. In true from, the Mets should have had an easy win but lost by a wide margin. Is the beginning of their usual descent […]

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OOTP Predictions for April 8 2019

Baseball in Middle of Diamond

Yesterday’s predictions were amazing, to say the least. When you open it, you’ll find there were 13 out of 15 games predicted correctly. I have written in the past how I expect the simulations to improve as the season matured. The teams start to take shape and the simulator adjusts accordingly. I can’t state definitively […]

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OOTP Predictions for April 7 2019

Baseball Icon

The simulation module for the OOTP Predictions for April 6 2019 predicted correctly 9 out of 15 games. This is something we should expect from a simulator capable of predicting the World Series and most of the playoff games  two years in a row. The simulator seems to be adjusting to the teams’ results.  Yesterday, I […]

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OOTP Predictions for April 4 2019

Prediction Icon

The predictions for yesterday’s games were better than they have been. I’d like to suggest that it’s because teams are starting to find themselves, but we’ll see if that is what happens over the next few weeks. The simulations should improve as the players and teams find their grooves. The results are nine games predicted […]

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OOTP Predictions for April 3

Baseball Cartoon Swing Batter

The OOTP Predictions for April 3 are complete and ready for you to view below. The results from yesterday’s games are falling in line with previous predictions. There were seven incorrect predictions and five correct. Several surprising results occurred yesterday. It seems that the Baltimore Orioles are starting to look like contenders. They keep winning. Boston […]

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OOTP Predictions for April 1 2019

Green Baseball Diamond

The OOTP predictions for April 1, 2019 are ready, and they a likely to make you think it’s some kind of April Fool’s joke. Unfortunately, that is not the case. The results were rather bad once again.My initial inclination was to run simulations less frequently. However, experiments don’t always work out the way you planned. […]

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OOTP Predictions for March 31

Baseball Diamond

The simulator did not do well with this run. Only five of the teams were predicted correctly. One game, Pittsburgh vs. Cincinnati was postponed. Several games were upsets like Boston vs Seattle and Yankees vs. Orioles. These are teams that should have won handily.As I keep suggesting, the simulator may not have been designed to […]

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